November 7, 2022

Call to order at 7:00 pm by President Mat

Members answering roll call, President Diehl, Bob Asche, Bob Knoup, Mike Tichler, Kirk Knoup, Dave Dixon, Tim Martens, Cheryl Liebenstein and Jamie Melville.

The minutes from the October meeting were reviewed and accepted without dissent, by Bob A. Second by Kirk. Motion Carried.

Committee made a motion to pay all bills as presented. Motion second by Mike.  Motion carried.

Bob K made a motion to approve the treasurer report as presented. Second by Kirk. Motion carried.

No transfer of funds needed

Maintenance Report

Board members discussed the ongoing problems and upkeep of the street sweeper. Streets and Alley committee will look into options for replacement.


President Mat gave the updates from Fehr Graham regarding our current and future projects. 

Water Main Looping – Fischer’s will be here Wednesday to start the project. North St water standing will be looked at while they are in town. Fehr Graham asked Mat if we need supervision on the water main looping. Rob or Bob K will oversee the Construction of the project.

Well #3 – Project is complete, and we are waiting on the final pay request.

Rock River Energy was not present at the meeting, but board members did receive the final bid sheets for street lighting and pumping. After review of the contracts Tim made a motion to accept a 48-month contract at 0.04811 per kWh for the street lights through Constellation.  He also motioned to approve the contract bid through Constellation for Pumping and the Campground at 0.06992 per kWh for 60 months.  Motion second by Bob K.  Motion carried.  The contracts for the street lights will begin September 2023 and the Pumping/Campground will begin in December 2022.


Reminder that the board should have Rob’s review ready for the December meeting. Tim will have the Tax Levy ready also.


The village has a house on W South St that has tree roots in the sewer lines. Brinkmeier’s Plumbing used a camera in the line and thinks this line may run under the neighbor’s driveway. Brinkmeier’s Plumbing would like to put in a new line and run it straight to the street to avoid tearing up the driveway. The property owner will need to decide what they want to do.  The village will pay our portion of the bill and the homeowner is responsible from the street to the house.


Street sweeper was discussed under Maintenance.  The winter road salt has been delivered.


Kirk gave a proposal from the Fire Department for new tile in the building with a request that the village pay $6,545.00 for our portion of the building. The contract with the Fire Department states that they are responsible for minor upkeep and the village would pay only 11% of any major repairs. The board feels the wear and tear of the carpet is from the Fire Department and all the fund raisers they have allowed at the building.  Bob K made a motion to decline to contribute to the proposal from the Fire Department based on the contract with them.  Motion second by Tim with roll call vote as follows.  Bob A–yes, Bob K–yes, Mike-yes, Kirk-yes, Dave-No, Tim-yes.  Let the record show 5-yes, 1-no and 0-absent. Bob K made a motion to allow the Fire Department to make improvements at their expense. Motion second by Tim.  Motion carried.


No report


Jamie questioned whether we needed to keep both of the police radios active.  Each radio will cost $35.00 per month.  Fred requested that we keep both active so that we will always have a backup when needed.


No report

Old Business

The board needs to pass a resolution for no parking in front of Boco on Rt 73.  Kirk made a motion for No Parking on Rt 73 from Boco Property line to North St. corner. Motion second by Bob A.  Motion carried with 5-yes and 1-no.

We have had complaints from residents regarding jake braking on Rt 73. The village does not want to put up signs for no braking due to other towns stating the signs cause more noise from trucks.

Mike made a motion to approve the Stephenson County Hazard Mitigation Plan that runs from 2022 to 2027.  Motion second by Dave.  Motion carried.

Tim is speaking with property owners regarding their land availability for businesses in town. We have one business that would like to move out of the flood plain but stay within the village.

New Business

The village has received complaints on the parking/storage of vehicles in front yards of property.  Also, complaints of speeders within the village.  Fred discussed that the Police have fewer hours during the day due to the officers having full time jobs elsewhere. Fred feels we should look at a full-time police position in order to get more coverage that is needed.  He will look into the complaints.

The company Blu Violet will be erecting 29 wind turbines in the Kent and Erin township.

The girl scouts are requesting permission to go door to door to sell cookies.  Cheryl will contact the office to approve request.

A big Thank you to Logan Frier for installing the used flag deposit box for his Eagle Scout project.

The dog park will be closed from December 1st to April 1st.  Rob will evaluate the area April 1st to determine if it needs to be closed longer.


Motion to adjourn at 8:35 by Dave.  Second by Bob A.  Motion carried.


Attest: Cheryl Liebenstein, Village Clerk


December 5, 2022


October 3, 2022