February 6, 2023

Call to order at 7:00 pm by President Mat

Members answering roll call, President Diehl, Bob Asche, Bob Knoup, Kirk Knoup, Dave Dixon, Tim Martens, Cheryl Liebenstein and Jamie Melville.

The minutes from the January meeting were reviewed and accepted without dissent, by Bob A. Second by Bob K. Motion Carried.

Committee made a motion to pay all bills as presented, with the Fischer bill being paid 50% TIF and 50% Water and Sewer. Motion second by Bob K.  Motion carried.

Bob K made a motion to approve the treasurer report as presented. Second by Tim. Motion carried.

No transfer of funds needed

Maintenance Report


President Mat reported that IDOT has approved the plan for Walgren Rd. We can bid the project without the actual permit in hand. Fehr Graham will send a copy of the plans for the board final review.

Oconnor Brooks was not present to review the annual audit.


Jamie contacted the Lucas group to get price quotes for the audits. Jamie provided them with previous years audits and payment amounts. The Lucas Group gave us a quote for $17,500.00 per yearly audit which includes the filing of the Comptroller report and TIF report. Dave made a motion to go with the Lucas Group instead of Oconnor Brooks for our audit/financial report needs.  Motion second by Tim.  Motion carried.


The Well House needs to have the overhead door looked at.  The door does not sit right and there is too much of a gap.  Bob also noted that the door is frozen shut and the lock does not work right.

Water was shut off to a residence due to broken line in the house.  It has been turned back on after repairs were made.


Bob A and Bob K helped with plowing and cleanup while Rob was on vacation.

One Mediacom box was hit.  The committee reported that there were no cars parked on Main St. during the cleanup.  Fred had previously warned the downtown residents regarding parking on Main St. after a snowfall. President Mat did get some nasty phone calls about parking, along with Fred as he was notifying the residents.  Since all residents were notified, any vehicles parked on Main St from midnight to 6am, after a snowfall will be ticketed.


Kirk reported that he is getting bids for the Shower house at the campground.


No report


Dave reported that Fred had a minor accident with the police car. The estimate to fix was $204.00 from Barry’s. We also had a $300.00 tow charge and a charge to remount the tires. Fred was assisting the County for traffic control.  This in no way affects his position as he has given the village 30 years of experience. Fred handles our Ordinance violations along with animal control as needed. Any non-urgent issues should be directed to the Police committee and they will handle them, along with Fred. Many towns are short-staffed with Police coverage. Many officers are giving up the profession completely due to lawsuits that can now name the officer along with the department. Pearl City is fortunate to have Fred as our part time officer. The board gives a “Thank You” to Fred for the great job in getting cars off Main St for our last snow clean-up.


Motion was made by Bob K to approve a Special Use Permit for Little John’s Tap for the annual Firemen’s Dance, to be held April 22nd.  Motion second by Kirk.  Motion carried.

Old Business

The solar committee met and prioritized the property sites.  The committee’s first choice was the Kuhlemeyer property.  Joan met with Mat and she is not interested at this time.  The second choice was VanHorn property.  They have been out of town and the committee will try to meet with them this week. The committee is meeting with the property owners one by one and hope to meet with at least three more this month.

The State is now saying that since the Village has ownership of the Lion’s digital sign, the sign can only be used for village events. The Lion’s club is still working on obtaining permits from the State.

New Business

Motion was made by Kirk to give the Post Prom committee a donation of $100.00.  Motion second by Dave.  Motion carried.

Motion to adjourn at 8:00 by Kirk.  Second by Dave.  Motion carried.

Attest: Cheryl Liebenstein, Village Clerk



March 6, 2023


January 3, 2023