August 7, 2023

Call to order at 7:00 pm by President Mat

Members answering roll call, President Diehl, Tom Smargiassi, Angie Niehaus, Kirk Knoup, Dean Wright, Tim martens, Cheryl Liebenstein and Jamie Melville.

The minutes from the July meeting were reviewed and accepted without dissent, by Dean. Second by Kirk. Motion Carried.

The committee made a motion to pay all bills as presented, Motion second by Angie.  Motion carried.

Tim made a motion to approve the treasurer report as presented. Second by Kirk. Motion carried.

No transfer of funds needed.

Maintenance Report

Rob reported that Fischer’s have several items that need to be addressed soon. There is a grate missing and three mailboxes need to be replaced.  Rob has taken down the orange fencing.


Derek was not present for the meeting and President Mat gave the updates.  Walgren road is complete with only a few punch list items to complete. The pay request should be ready for the September meeting.  Derek informed President Mat that we should pay the entire pay request and not hold anything back.

Derek has completed the Roadway Aging Study and copies have been sent to the Street & Alley committee, along with a copy to Rob.

Board members spoke regarding the parking on Walgren Road.  Since the road now has curb and gutter there is not enough room for parking on both sides and it is too narrow to park on one side only.  Board members would like to wait and see if there is a parking problem before making any decisions.


Jamie has not received our paperwork back from Oconnor Brooks.  Many messages and phone calls have been made. The Annual Treasurer’s report has not been filed.  Jamie is holding the payment to Oconnor Brook until we receive our paperwork and the report is filed.


Rob reported that Gasvoda has given him a quote for supplies to revamp the well/pump house on Devore St. Rob will switch out the current meters, change the chlorine from gas to liquid and make the well compatible to run on the SCADA program.  Rob can do most of the work, with the exception of the technical aspect of tying this well onto the SCADA program. Gasvoda is quoting $16,300.00 for supplies only.  This project is eligible to use TIF money along with Water and Sewer funds.  Tom made a motion to approve the Gasvoda quote and to move forward with the improvements and updates to the Well/Pumphouse.  Motion second by Dean.  Motion carried.


Discussed in Visitor section


Kirk inquired if the board wanted to still use the old garage at the campground or if we should have it removed. Any shower house would need to be a cement block building.  Board members also discussed putting up a shelter house instead.  Tim made a motion to tear down the old garage.  Motion second by Kirk.  Motion carried.

Rob noted that we have outside campers pulling into the campground and dumping their waste. Rob will put up signs if this becomes a problem.


Angie showed the board members the Welcome sign that she will be using at the cemetery.  There are several color options and board members would like to see the cedar color used. This sign will cost about $1700 and has a composite construction.


Rich Strain has been hired for the police.  He will be able to work at least once per week. Jamie Hare is still busy with the county as is not taking any hours. Fred will have help for Boulevard bash but will need the firemen to also help with the parade.

Fred noted that the driver side window does not work on the Durango. There is also a slow oil leak somewhere in the front. Board members discussed whether we wanted to look at a new or used vehicle. The Durango is a 2009 and is having small issues with it on a regular basis.

Crime Stop will be supplying the officers with the required body cameras this next year.  They may help with a donation for a vehicle after next year.  The committee will look at our options and bring any findings back to the board.


Old Business

No report

New Business

Dan Stevens from Village Voices would like to know what is happening in the village, such as projects etc. This is a good way for advertising.  Mat will send Dan update notes on any projects that we are currently doing.  Board members do not want future projects listed in case those projects are cancelled. The board would like to see more thought in putting updates on our Facebook page.

Rob informed the board that he would like to look at doing mass texts for water main breaks, hydrant flushing, etc.  He noted that Dakota has a system where residents can opt-in to receive the text messages.  It was suggested that we check with the school to see if the Village could be added as a group on their system.

With the Labor Day holiday the September meeting will be held on Wednesday September 6th at 7pm.


Motion to adjourn at 8:10 by Kirk.  Second by Tom.  Motion carried.

Attest: Cheryl Liebenstein, Village Clerk


TIF Joint Review 8-7-2023


July 5, 2023